Monday, October 15, 2007


Today in lecture when we were discussing downloading, it made me think about how many people download and listen to their music. I don’t know very many people who actually go out and buy CD’s anymore. I have bought one I the past year. Otherwise, I’ll burn CD’s or download them from iTunes. Today, buying an actual CD is usually pointless when you can get it on iTunes usually for a better price. Most of the time when I buy an actual CD, I’ll upload it to my computer, put it on my iPod, and then put the CD on my rack and then rarely touch it again. Its so much easier to have all my CD’s on my iTunes so that I can play them at the same time. Even when driving, instead of listening to CD’s I’ll plug in my iPod and listen to my music that way. I honestly think that the MP3’s are going to win over the CD’s.

I also wonder how many people are downloading their songs illegally. I thought it was so funny when I learned that the industry thought they were winning the battle against illegal downloading because the illegal downloads are about even with the legal ones. Its funny to me because half the people are still downloading music illegally, which usually isn’t really a good percentage. I know that it’s really easy to be able to download music illegally and I wonder if it’s really a big deal to be able to do so. More facts on illegal downloading can be found here. If everyone did so, then the music industry would be broke. But we listen to the radio for free, so why can’t we listen to our iPods for free? It will be interesting to see if illegal downloading will ever be completely under control.

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